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August Point Score Wrap Up 2013

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August Point score Wrap Up!

We seem to have a knack of getting good waves and weather for the first round, and as happened in our last June point score the strong winds came and on that occasion heavy rain as well, at least we were spared the rain, but how strong was the wind, I thought not only were the sides of the tent blowing out, but at times I doubted if the tent would survive.

We had some prospective new members surf with us great to see, a few new lady surfers also, I did not have the pleasure of meeting them, as they left straight after their heat, but hope fully we will meet anyone new in the October point score.

As he so kindly did last season, our gear steward Andrew Farrow took that task on again this year,  and brought the gear along, our new Secretary Dennis along with Andrew Wilson did all the sign ons and heat draws for both rounds, thank you to you both, and our two designated talliers last month Jarrett & Corey did their role well, and others jumped in and helped out as needed, thank you to all  who tallied during the day.

Hendo, Scotty and Ronni spent time with the judges to assist them where they could, thank you to you guys also, and for everyone who stuck around until the end of the day to help pack up in the wind it was really appreciated, thank you.

We mentioned start of the day that Baz was stepping down as catering officer after doing that role for many years now, and asked for a replacement to fill in for Baz, fortunately Cameron Brown has kindly volunteered to do this role for the rest of the year starting in October, and so Baz will do it for September to fill in, thank you Cameron for putting your hand up, and a huge thank you to you Baz for all the years of fabulous catering and your valuable time you have given the club.

Our Barby this month was cooked by Dave Edwards, Baz, Cameron & Dave Wolfe, thank you guys, great to see Andy Goldie back surfing this month after 7 months out of action with his back injury, and a great job with the newsletter Andy it looks great with many interesting issues to follow, so along with the fabulous job Dave Edwards does with the web site, we should be all really well informed hope fully.

The September point score is on Sunday 15th, so see you all then, and remember your Club fees must be paid prior to the October point score for you to be eligible to compete.

Kind regards,
